
Speaker Johnson Under Fire as Controversial Photo with Trump-Hater Paul Ryan Emerges at the Capitol (VIDEO)

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Screenshot: @JakeSherman/Punchbowl

Speaker Johnson is currently facing backlash after a photo surfaced showing him in the company of former House Speaker Paul Ryan.

The image, captured and shared by Jake Sherman of Punchbowl News, depicts the two figures emerging together from the Speaker’s suite at the Capitol. This encounter has sparked controversy, particularly given Ryan’s recent public statements criticizing former President Donald Trump.

Paul Ryan, who served as the Speaker of the House from 2015 to 2019 and the architect of FOX News cancel culture, branded former President Donald Trump as an “authoritarian narcissist” while commending the actions of Trump critics, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney.

“Look, Trump’s not a conservative. He’s an authoritarian narcissist. So I think they basically called him out for that.