
Holy Crap: Lost Joe Biden Gives Speech to Wounded Warriors with His Back to Them…Until Jill Finally Turns Him Around (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden offered his praise and thanks to a group of wounded warriors at the White House earlier this week — but had his back to them for his entire speech until Jill Biden turned him around.

The bizarre gaffe occurred on Wednesday as Jill Biden launched the Wounded Warrior Project’s annual Soldier Ride from the White House lawn.

Joe Biden tells wounded warriors they are the spine of America after Jill helps him find the wounded warriors.

Joe is gone. If you can’t see it, you’re part of the problem. pic.twitter.com/6cB4kAW5yQ

— SULLY (@SULLY10X) April 26, 2024

The confused president walked to the opposite side of the stage from the veterans,