
Here are Several Times Nikki Haley Blamed Donald Trump for Russian Dissident Navalny’s “Murder” in Prison – Today We Found Out He Died from a Blood Clot

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One week ago on Monday, news broke that Russian dissident Alexei Navalny had died in prison in a Russian gulag north of the Arctic Circle.

Navalny leaves behind his wife, Yulia Navalnaya, and their two children.

Navalny organized anti-government demonstrations and ran for office to advocate reforms against corruption in Russia, and against President Vladimir Putin and his government.

The media immediately blamed Putin for “his murder” in prison.

Nikki Haley used Navalny’s death to attack her former boss, Donald Trump. Haley is at the point where she is using anything she can to damage President Trump. That’s why Democrats and the Uniparty want Nikki to stay in the GOP primary race.

Earlier today,