
Poll Finds Nearly Half of Nikki Haley’s Primary Support Comes from Joe Biden Voters – But Nikki Vows to Stay in and Trash Trump for Several More Weeks for Her Donors

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So, Nikki Haley is still running around doing the Democrat Party’s dirty work and trashing President Trump on a daily basis.

Haley even slammed President Trump following an $83 miillion verdict by a corrupt leftist judge in a lawsuit by a crazy woman.

Nikki Haley Loses MAGA Nation Forever with One Stupid Tweet – After She Craps on Trump Following $83 Million Lawfare Suit by Crazy Woman

On Saturday, Nikki Haley lost three more contests to President Donald Trump in Idaho, Missouri, and Michigan. It was another clean sweep for Trump.

Despite her losses, Haley pulled back on her promise to endorse her former boss,