
Snickers Bar Maker Denies Biden’s State of the Union “Shrinkflation” Charge

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The maker of the Snickers candy bar released a statement refuting Joe Biden’s “shrinkflation” charge made in Thursday’s State of the Union address that the candy maker has reduced the size of Snickers bars but kept the same price.

Kamala Harris snickers as Joe Biden falsely accuses the maker of Snickers candy bar of ripping off consumers with ‘”shrinkflation” during the State of the Union address, March 7, 2024, screen image via C-SPAN.

Biden complains about ‘Bidenomics’ at the State of the Union

“Snickers bars! You get charged the same amount and you got about, I don’t know, about 10% fewer Snickers in it!” pic.twitter.com/VJxedAsRTw

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 8, 2024

Scott Jennings,