
Jill Biden Wears Tacky Bright Pink Dress with Rhinestones to White House Correspondents’ Dinner (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden Saturday evening stayed up past his bedtime to deliver remarks at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner with Hollywood elitists.

Biden openly joked about spearheading prosecutions against his main political opponent Donald Trump.

He also smeared Trump and repeated the debunked “bloodbath” hoax.

Dr. Jill donned a tacky bright pink dress with rhinestones to this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner.


President Biden and @FLOTUS Dr. Jill Biden arrive at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. pic.twitter.com/iSKFXAx0t4

— CSPAN (@cspan) April 28, 2024

Last year Jill Biden wore a lime green trash bag to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.