
California Democrat Introduces Bill to Ban ‘Excessive Homework’

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A Democrat lawmaker in California has introduced a bill to ban “excessive homework.”

California State Assemblymember Pilar Schiavo introduced the Healthy Homework Act (AB 2999) to “make homework more supportive and less stressful.”

The Healthy Homework Act (AB 2999) Advances!

With local control and input from teachers, students, and parents, #AB2999 aims to create supportive, equitable homework policies for our kids’ mental and physical health. Let’s make homework more supportive and less stressful! pic.twitter.com/4JawwuztZ0

— Assemblymember Pilar Schiavo (@AsmPilarSchiavo) April 24, 2024

Schiavo was clearly going for “cool mom” points, as her daughter is a sixth-grade student who finds homework “exhausting.”

“Homework is exhausting.