
Pope Francis Weighs In on Trump-Harris Race with Stunning, Disturbing Take

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Pope Francis in a "60 Minutes" interview

Pope Francis in a "60 Minutes" interview

In more than a decade since taking over as head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has left little doubt about his preferences in American politics

Even in the face of the Democratic Party’s unflinching dogma promoting abortion — a procedure Catholic theology considers equivalent to murder — he has made his distaste for conservatives clear.

But in cautiously weighing in on the U.S. presidential election Friday, the pope exercised a kind of ambiguity that’s unlikely to please either side, but might give millions of voters something to think about — especially those on the left.

According to CBS News, Francis was asked during an in-flight interview how he would advise American voters to choose between Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris — an abortion rights extremist — and former President Donald Trump and his vows to deport illegal immigrants.