
“Pentagon Points to COVID for Military Pilots’ Medical Incidents Jump of 1,700%”

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Recent reports of a 17-fold increase in medical incidents among U.S. military pilots during the COVID-19 pandemic have left many questioning what is truly happening to the health of our service members since the rollout of the experimental vaccine.

Lt. Col. Theresa Long, an Army flight surgeon, revealed that the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows the number of reportable medical events among military pilots skyrocketed from an average of 226 per year between 2016 and 2019 to 4,059 in 2022.

Long believes the Federal Aviation Administration’s decision to widen the EKG parameter range for pilots might be related to the increased number of patients with heart damage caused by the vaccines – an assertion which is backed up by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

The Defense Department, however, maintains that the increase in reportable adverse events among military pilots is the result of COVID-19 itself, not the vaccines.

But recent studies conducted by Ohio attorney Thomas Renz on the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) tell a different story. Renz found that since the rushed rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine, the rate of cancer diagnoses has tripled in the US military